Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sticky Situation

When I was given the assignment of painting something with the topic "sticky situation", I began to think of different things that I could do. I began to think about doing foods, because there are a lot of foods that are sticky when you eat them. But I looked around the room and saw that over half the class was doing a food, so I decided I didn't want to do that. Then I thought that it would be a good idea to paint a painting of spilt paint.

I started to look at references, and I couldn't find a picture like the one I painted, so I then I had to find a picture of a brick wall and a picture of paint cans. I think that I was able to achieve my own work because throughout the painting of it, I didn't use the references as much as I used my imagination.

The main thing that I learned through the project was making colors. With the brick wall, I had to make 5 different colors, all different just to make the wall. I think I was not only able to achieve the look of the brick wall, I was able to better my skills with creating colors with acrylic paint.

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